Interactive educational presentation software for teachers

mozaBook expands your teaching tools with versatile illustration, animation and interesting presentation possibilities. Spectacular interactive content and built-in skill-developing, illustrative and virtual lab applications help to arouse students' interest and help acquiring knowledge.

Integrated applications

Thematic mozaTools applications are accessible within mozaBook. Alongside numerous applications for skill-development, illustration and practice, you can also find virtual laboratories and games for students of all ages.

Individual web account

Teachers can upload their exercise books to their own mozaWeb account. Uploaded exercise books can be opened on any computer that runs mozaBook. Changes made to the exercise book can be automatically saved to the account, so school and home exercise books will always be in sync.

Online homework

Using interactive elements of the media library, teachers can create homework tasks in the built-in test editor of mozaBook. Students can then complete these online, at home.

Video tutorials

New video tutorials are available in the built-in tool and game applications. With the help of these tutorials it is easy to get to know all of the functions these tools offer and quickly learn how to use them.

Future Education
Interactive Education

For Teachers and Students

Mozaik Student

A user licence that allows one student to use both mozaBook and mozaweb on multiple devices

Mozaik Teacher

A user licence that allows one teacher to use both mozaBook and mozaWeb on multiple devices.

Mozabook Classroom

A device-based licence that allows several teachers to use mozaBook on the same device

mozaBook School - Lab

A device-based licence that allows several students to use mozaBook on the same device

Why choose mozabook
The Best Choice

For Teachers and Students

mozabook Options
Unlimited options

Every tool a teacher needs

In The Classroom And At Home

Teachers can create their own presentations or turn their textbook files into interactive digital textbooks with just a few clicks.

Digital books and presentations can be enriched with images, drawings and interactive 3D scenes, as well as custom worksheets created with the built-in Test editor in mozaBook. More than 100 thematic applications provide a unique way of reviewing and deepening acquired knowledge.

The software supports touchscreen functions, and its user interface can adapt to the display size so that it can be used both on interactive boards and notebooks.

mozaBook is available in the webshop in several versions, for students, teachers and classroom teaching.

Digital Textbooks
Your own digital textbooks

If teachers would like to use an electronic version of their textbook in PDF format, they can do so in mozaBook. The software will automatically recognise pictures included in the publication and allow them to be easily enlarged with a click.

Teachers can also define custom page sections to be magnified in the classroom. The program can also analyse the text of the publication and recommend interactive content relevant to the topic.

Teachers can preview, accept or delete these recommendations, and they can also find content (3D scenes, educational videos, sound files, images) independently in mozaBook’s built-in Media library, from their own computers or from the Internet, without closing or minimizing mozaBook.

All inserted items can be opened and used for classroom presentations by clicking on the icons in the book margins which represent the interactive content.